After fixing the Nintoaster, the Nerd takes a look at The Legend of Kage and makes it a point that it is pronounced “KAH-GAY”.
The Nerd is unable to go all out Halloween 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but that will not stop him from reviewing Countdown Vampires, a lower tier clone of the Resident Evil franchise.
The Nerd looks at the classic Sega Genesis game Ecco the Dolphin and wonders why such a frustrating game was heavily marketed by Sega.
The Nerd looks at Mission: Impossible for the N64 that is published by Ocean, he also briefly talks about the TV series and movies. Guest Stars: Justin Whang as The BGF Director, and Evan Ferrante as Tom Cruise Look-Alike
The Nerd looks at Final Fight Revenge and Final Fight: Streetwise, two games widely considered to be among the worst of the Final Fight franchise. Guest Star: Matthew Kowalewski as Matt McMuscles.
The Nerd overviews the history of the The Incredible Crash Dummies franchise, and its LJN published video game.
Feeling that he has not reviewed an SNES game in a while, the Nerd reviews Dennis the Menace and delves briefly into the character’s media history.
The Nerd follows up his previous review with some rip offs including Time Killers, Street Fighter: The Movie, The Kung-Fu Master Jackie Chan, Tattoo Assassins and Shadow: War of Succession.
The Nerd finally decides to give the original Mortal Kombat the respect it deserves, by reviewing the home port versions.
Eleven years after briefly mentioning this game when reviewing Color Dreams’ games in “Bible Games 2”, the Nerd finally tackles the game Raid 2020 in the year 2020.
It is the end of the year as 2020 comes upon the Nerd. In a parody of the episode “The Masks” from The Twilight Zone, the Nerd punishes his three worst games, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Action 52, and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, by forcing them to wear masks to the end of the […]
Following being burned alive in the previous episode, the Nerd finds himself in Hell with the Violator in his clown form and is forced to play video games based on the Image Comics character Spawn. Guest Stars: Justin Silverman as Violator, Mike Matei as Woody Bugs, and Joe La Scola as the voice of the […]
Shot in one continuous take, the Nerd explores a hidden dungeon in his house, while reviewing the NES port of The Immortal.
The Nerd tries to get away for a vacation and ends up crashing onto an island full of people in inflatable dinosaur costumes and the game Trespasser for PC. Due to the game’s notorious design, he gets help from Shesez of Boundary Break. Guest Stars: Seamus Blackley as himself
The Nerd takes a look at the Chex Quest video game from 1996 as well as its sequels and discovers that despite its bizarre and commercial premise, it is actually a well-made Doom copy.
The Nerd decides to tackle a modern game for the PS4, Life of Black Tiger. He is so horrified at its incompetence that he sets out to look for the programmer who turns out to be recurring arch-nemesis Fred Fucks. Together, they must complete the game. Guest Stars: Gilbert Gottfried as Fred Fucks
The Nerd revisits the infamous Superman 64 11 years after first reviewing it.
The Nerd takes on the Aladdin Deck Enhancer, an infamous NES upgrade system with its own selection of games, and gets help from the likes of Aladdin and the Genie modeled after the Disney animated movie.
The Nerd attempts to review Yo! Noid, but gets interrupted by the arrival of Pepsiman who forces him to review the game of the same name. However, Pepsiman turns out to be evil and the Nerd gets the help of the Pepsi TV Game Guy who must use the power of Mentos to defeat him. […]
The Nerd takes a look at some of the lesser-known video game magazines from the past, excluding Nintendo Power. Magazines covered include: Atari Age, Game Players, VideoGames & Computer Entertainment, GamePro and Electronic Gaming Monthly.
The Nerd examines the scattered and drawn-out chronology of the Kingdom Hearts franchise.
It’s the Nerd’s obligatory Christmas episode and he gets a surprise from Macaulay Culkin, or rather the Pizza Boy. The two sit down to review several Home Alone related games in the hopes of finding a good one. When they fail, they decide to set up traps for the terrible ones to stop them once […]
Continuing from the previous episode, the Nerd tackles the CDTV game The Town with No Name. Due to not owning the actual console that it was made for, he is forced to play it on the Amiga CD32.
The Nerd takes on Commodore’s failed console the Amiga CD32. The games he plays include Dangerous Streets, Super Putty, Morph, Naughty Ones, Beavers, Gloom, Diggers, Oscar, Bubba ‘n’ Stix, Surf Ninjas, Kang Fu and Zool.
The Nerd returns to the Hydlide franchise with Super Hydlide for the Sega Genesis and Virtual Hydlide for the Sega Saturn.
For the annual Halloween Special, the Nerd reviews Resident Evil Survivor for the PlayStation.
While the Tomb Raider franchise has featured a variety of good games, the Nerd decides to raid the tombs of three that do Lara Croft no justice, and that were made for the PlayStation, PlayStation 2, and N-Gage.
No meditation can prepare the Nerd for his first review of a bad Xbox game, Drake of the 99 Dragons – a game featuring well-made “Saturday cartoon” artwork that was intended to be the basis for a comic book series and animated show, but was foiled by its glitches, poor gameplay, controls, cutscenes, voice acting […]
The Nerd questions whether his next bad game “feels lucky”, as he looks at an NES game based on the Dirty Harry movie series that featured only three levels.
When the Nerd finds a copy of Nintendo Power exuding a belief that EarthBound was a rotten game, he later finds reviews that show how glamorous the game was and reveals a fanbase for a title he now has to play. So he does – via the Super NES Classic Edition – and provides an […]
The Nerd has rotted his brain with such an insane amount of bad games, that this Christmas he gets himself a PlayStation with a compilation of video games from the Lightspan Adventures series to help restore it.
Another bad Star Wars game has emerged, so the Nerd must channel the force to help him review Star Wars: Masters of Teräs Käsi for the PlayStation. Notes: This episode features brief footage of Star Wars Episode I: Racer for the Nintendo 64, but James Rolfe did not include a review of it for this […]
The Nerd won’t be making a call to Charlie’s Angels anytime soon, as he plays a bad GameCube game based on them.
The Nerd has some unfinished business, as he continues on with his review of Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) for the Xbox 360.
Following his time with Polybius, the Nerd is reborn as “RoboNerd”, whose prime directives are to play bad games, and keep gamers safe from them. These include a selection of NES games based on the original RoboCop film series.
The Nerd takes a look at the arcade classic Polybius, while he also delves into the urban legend surrounding the mentioned side effects of playing the game. Notes: This episode was originally released as a series of mini segments on the “Cinemassacre Plays” channel, October 19–24, and in the form of a daily found footage […]
The Nerd wrestles with a ton of bad NES and SNES games based on wrestling, including WWF WrestleMania Challenge, WWF Royal Rumble, WCW SuperBrawl Wrestling, and Saturday Night Slam Masters.
Treasure is truly lacking within another bad game designed to be used in a contest, as the Nerd finds out what it’s like to play Treasure Master for the NES.
Another selection of accessories receives a good thorough look from the Nerd. This time, it’s a collection of accessories for the Game Boy, including good ones – like the Game Boy Camera and the Game Boy Printer – bad ones, and even a patented one that was aimed for use in hospitals.
While clearing up his game room and getting stranded on another planet, the Nerd questions why a bad game has trashed a particularly good classic movie, when he reviews Planet of the Apes for the PlayStation. Notes: This episode was made to commemorate the then-upcoming release of War for the Planet of the Apes.