Cinemassacre’s Monster Madness is a yearly series of horror movie reviews produced by Cinemassacre Productions and airing around the month of October. This series is hosted by James Rolfe. This is episode 6 of Monster Madness “Around the World!”
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Lance A Rutt
October 6, 2021 at 10:54 amCan’t believe you didn’t mentions the part where the two women get mistaken for lesbians
October 6, 2021 at 11:07 amIf you want a scarier Mexican horror film maybe for next year do El Libro de Piedra (The Book of Stone) by director Carlos Enrique Taboada. Thanks for going back to the original format. Longtime fan.
October 6, 2021 at 11:11 amAi caramba!
Abraham García
October 6, 2021 at 11:33 amHello, I’m a big fan of your work since 2008, I always wait impatient all year to get yo see your awesome reviews on horror movies, and to see that you included a Movie from the Golden/silver era of México felt great, back then the actors were full showmans, they Made everything, acting, singing, comedy, some of the dance and many were profesional wrestlers, this One in particular was very famous mostly in the North of México, living in the border I grew up hearing My mom putting her records or cassets of him, the Legendary “Piporro”.
Thankyou si much again for your work, You are a very cool dude.
gabriel duarte
October 6, 2021 at 12:00 pmthe male protagonist is a well known comedian, so this flick is more likely a comedy.
October 6, 2021 at 12:10 pmnice vid
October 6, 2021 at 12:28 pmhahaha i didn’t knew el piporro made sci fi movies
October 6, 2021 at 12:49 pm“Ay mamacita!! Que lindos bulbos tienes!!“ I already love that movie.
October 6, 2021 at 12:53 pmThe cowboy was played by a national treasure of Mexico an actor/singer by the nickname “Piporro” the guy had a very peculiar way of speaking and narrated one of my favorite comedy short serials “Flecos Bill contra el charro asqueado”
Miguel Guillen
October 6, 2021 at 1:06 pmI love everything about this review, thanks for including Mexico. And yes Mexico has some of the campiest/cheesiest movies you can find. I would suggest checking Chabelo and Pepito vs. the monsters (1973) or Viruta and Capulina vs. you name it (monsters, mummies, vampires), these two are like the Mexican version of Abbott and Costello. I’m glad the MonsterMadness is back, and including a Mexican film in its a double win!
October 6, 2021 at 1:23 pmOur cinema used to be awesome. Now it’s just lackluster cash grab comedies. Thank you for doing this review, James.
J. Garcia
October 6, 2021 at 2:01 pmYes, yes… our movies may be cheesy sometimes. Why not check “Hasta el Viento tiene Miedo”? you could translate it’s name as: Even the wind is afraid. A 1968 horror film directed by Carlos Enrique Taboada. Also “Más negro que la noche” (Darker than the nigh) from the same director is great.
October 6, 2021 at 2:43 pmOld Mexican Horror and sci-fi have their own cheesy charm.
I hope you could cover in more detail some of the El Santo & Blue Demon movies.
They’re like Mexico’s answer to Batman & Robin.
Fighting supernatural villains by day and wrestling in the main event by night. Good stuff.
October 6, 2021 at 3:30 pmHolly shit is that El Piporro?
October 6, 2021 at 3:52 pmThis looks absolutely amazing.
John Crow
October 6, 2021 at 4:12 pmXD XD XD awesome
October 6, 2021 at 5:03 pmDamnit!
Why’d you have to show that freaky ‘Pale Man’ from Pans Labyrinth?
Now I can’t sleep…
October 6, 2021 at 5:46 pmThis was my favorite growing up and always thought it would make a grat Monster Madness!
October 6, 2021 at 6:47 pmwatch “Carlos Enrique taboada” movies! they are great!
Svein Erik Sviggum
October 6, 2021 at 6:47 pmHave to watch this one. The robot who tries to seduce the jukebox reminds me of a twisted version of Bender from Futurama. Big Cinemassacre fan btw!
Tango Mango
October 6, 2021 at 8:28 pmYou make a review of a mexican horror film and you chose this? A Piporro movie?
It’s a comedy (and a very good one at that) that parodies classic universal horror tropes, but it’s not a horror movie. If you wanted to do something like this every single Mexican comedian has done the same thing, and sometimes more than once.
Why not review “El Vampiro” from the 1950’s, which is a national treasure as far as Mexican horror films go? Or even better, “Veneno para las hadas” a brilliant film that’s considered one of Mexico’s best made horror movies ever?
I can’t understand this choice, were you mocking Mexican horror movies or was this an inside joke?
Ryan Dippold
October 6, 2021 at 10:05 pmIt’s amazing to have Monster Madness back on cinemassacre. The early Monster madnesse episodes are a big reason for my love of horror movies. When it got to season 3 and camp cult really opened my mind to some more weird and obscure horror movies. Just when I started to think I’ve seen just about everything, this season comes out and I realized I haven’t even touched the surface of weird and obscure foreign movies!
Thank you, James for making this Halloween season even more special 🎃
Luis Ramírez
October 6, 2021 at 11:07 pm“Ay, mamacita… que lindos bulbos tienes. ¡Mmmmm, mmmmm!”
Spagbowls please
October 7, 2021 at 8:40 amThe skull create talking reminds me of Bahdi (Turkish E.T) which is an Xtro ripoff, I hope James covers soon.
October 7, 2021 at 10:51 amGoing to check this one out! Might even be my Halloween night watch. I love how these sci-fi films bring a feel of the comic books of the same era. Best 2021 Monster Madness movie yet!
Thanks James, and the rest of the Cinemassacre guys, for all you do and exposing fans to some interesting films. 👍❤
October 7, 2021 at 11:28 amEvery time I hear something along the lines of “forgive me if my pronunciation isn’t accurate” (especially when it’s about a language so popular as Spanish) what I hear is: “I don’t actually care about this culture enough to spend 30 seconds Googling how to pronounce it correctly, or to ask someone who speaks the language so I can do it right.” It’s… not that hard, guys. 🙂
That said, I am very happy Monster Madness is back, and I do appreciate the theme of movies around the world. Looking forward to the remaining reviews!
October 7, 2021 at 12:59 pmExcellent review. I would like to sugest “La casa del terror” with the classic comedian Tin Tan, and also starring Lon Chaney Jr. who plays a werewolf mummy that’s resurrected with a blood transfusion and a lighting. Only in México baby.
Maurice Paris
October 7, 2021 at 4:19 pmPersonally as a Mexican i would have picked “Satanico Pandemonium” – ( ) as the Mexican pick for a horror film, followed by Even the Wind Is Afraid (Hasta el viento tiene miedo)
October 7, 2021 at 6:45 pmNow this is interesting. Sometimes my grandma watches Mexican horror films. One of the most memorable ones puts the Luchador Santo against the Frankenstein.
Dante X
October 7, 2021 at 10:39 pmLoving Monster Madness 2021
October 8, 2021 at 5:54 pmMaybe I’m confused but I thought the last viable male had died so these are like mutants and/or other Venusians lifeforms hence why the human-like Venusians had to go to Earth for mates to avoid dying out.
Ben Raya
October 9, 2021 at 1:23 amThe good Piporro, is Laureano on this movie. And here in México we love every single movie where he appears. Bottom line, cheesy is what gave to El Santo vs las Momias de Guanajuato a Canne prize and a Golden Lion from the Russian Movie academy. Cause as they thought: thats surreal art.
October 9, 2021 at 1:43 amExcellent review! Thank you for including my México! Here’s a Méxican horror cult clásic: Poison for the fairies. Veneno para las hadas, 1986 by Carlos Enrique Taboada, the mexican master of horror.
Edgar Gzz
October 9, 2021 at 6:37 amPiporro, From Monterrey, Nuevo León to the World !!! Thank you for the review ! James ! You need to watch ”Satánico Pandemonium” (“Satanic Pandemonium”) that movie is so hard !!!
Robert Banda
October 9, 2021 at 1:03 pmA huevo! El piporro! Thanks, james!
October 10, 2021 at 3:45 amvery cool! great episdode
October 10, 2021 at 11:29 pm¡Ay Mamacita, que lindos bulbos tienes! O_o
October 12, 2021 at 9:33 pmI appreciate the effort to mention mexican cinema, i really do, however, this was a comedy not horror, however it might be difficult to get for non mexican natives since Piporrro (Laureano) was a comedian mostly known for his intonation, accent and expressions. On the other hand, Hope you dedicate enough time to the luchador genre, its amazing.
In my opinion the best movie is Santo vs las momias de Guanajuato… cool stuff.
Raul Soto
October 13, 2021 at 1:18 amLove that introduction about mexican horror cinema. We certainly love our Popular heroes kicking some generic monster butt.
Abot and Costello meet the monsters? bitch please, Piporro, El Santo, Chavelo, Pepito, La india Maria, Capulina, and Pedrito Fernandez have all fight monsters.
Thanks for the great introduction. And Im praying that Momias de Guanajuato, El Ladrón de cadáveres and Vacaciones del Terror make it one day to Monster Madness.
October 13, 2021 at 8:09 pmResucitado is pronounce as “re-su-CEE-tah-do” and means “resurrected”
October 18, 2021 at 2:36 amI watched a movie from this vein this month. Invasion of the Dead with Professor Zovek and Blue Demon. It… wasn’t good, more filler than a McDonald’s hamburger. But it did have car jacking zombies. It was hilarious, they step out of their car for half a second and a zombie climbs in and drives off.
October 21, 2021 at 12:39 amYeah!! el “piporro”! famous actor from my hometown
October 26, 2021 at 4:33 ami didnt know this movie existed. im usually asking my fellow co-workers if they know of any classic jem like this. thsanks (a thousand thanks) james sand crew!
Leo S. Luna
November 1, 2021 at 11:37 amJames also picks comedy horror sometimes fyi. So I’m pretty cool with this movie. Mexico has great horror and comedy films. Maybe I’ll have the time to watch them when I’m much more older. Kinda thereis a place to wat h all this old content. I was kind of missing Adams Family series but I just don’t know where to watch it legally.
October 11, 2023 at 9:47 amEvery sci-fi movie is made 100% better by the female characters being decked out in leotards and/or hot pants. The Mexicans had it right.