This is episode 200 of the Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN), a review of every game published by LJN. This is part 1 of 3, with the others coming very soon. LJN has been a thorn in the Nerd’s side for 15 years now. With the sudden rights falling into his hands, the Nerd has decided to remake every LJN game as good as possible. However, he’ll need to review every LJN game ever made (while Back to the Future gets re-developed.) Thankfully, the Nerd has already reviewed a lot of the LJN library… but, there’s a lot of garbage he hasn’t played yet to complete the 67 LJN titles released.
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Pat Muhkrotch
December 8, 2021 at 1:44 pmThis better turn into a epic long waited Revolution X review. And please for the love of everything holy don’t make it a Rex Viper themed cover for Aerosmiths music . So far the episode has been totally predictable.
Its time to retire the nerd and let James do what he loves. He doesn’t like being trapped with the AVGN from a viewers stand point. And what ever new venture he may pursue, the fans will grovel to because his personality and interest are likeable and exploitable for content creation.
And Justin, I know your reading this. You cant have a comments section that is 100% anti critique. Almost every single time a longtime fan is upset with the new content and comments, its deleted on Youtube and Cinemassacre. And Im not a reddit truther douche either.
James claimed he was on “Fire” with AVGN skipped podcast episodes and hyped it up. Its a clipshow. A CLIPSHOW. If this is the whole thing then its pretty much and F-U to the long time fans.
The new fans arnt even old enough to remember Retro games. Or even had played them.
And why wont Mike join the podcast?
December 9, 2021 at 12:54 pmAs soon as I saw Fred Fucks’ name on that paper, I knew it’s not going to end well.