Cinemassacre’s Monster Madness is a yearly series of horror movie reviews produced by Cinemassacre Productions and airing around the month of October. This series is hosted by James Rolfe. This is the episode for October 17th of Monster Madness 2018. (Monster Madness 2018 featured both a mix of new reviews, uploaded once every week, and reuploaded Monster Madness and Cinemassacre reviews which were previously inaccessible.) Featuring Psycho (1960), Psycho II (1983), Psycho III (1986), and Psycho IV: The Beginning (1990)
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October 15, 2021 at 4:22 pmGreat review as always, I feel like James does such a great job introducing horror to people that I feel like there’s a checklist of important movies he needs to review, and with this video he checked the whole Psycho series off the list.
A heads up: the upload date is wrong, it says 2017 instead of 2018, causing it to be out of the real upload order. I hope you can fix it.
Blaze Mordecai
July 28, 2022 at 5:01 pmI really love your work man! You create some really great content. I appreciate it. Thanks for making this.
SoCal the great
September 29, 2023 at 4:54 pmWhy do you always say she’s killed off early. She’s not.