Cinemassacre’s Monster Madness is a yearly series of horror movie reviews produced by Cinemassacre Productions and airing around the month of October. This series is hosted by James Rolfe. This is the episode for October 5th of Son of Monster Madness. (Son of Monster Madness featured both a mix of new reviews, uploaded once every week, and reuploaded Monster Madness and Cinemassacre reviews which were previously inaccessible.)
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1 comment
October 1, 2021 at 11:22 amI like that this is now officially considered Episode 3 of Son Monster Madness.
With Monster Madness having ended officially with MMX, that year consisted in only 5 new videos and the rest of the month was filled with “resurrected reviews” that were never released on YouTube. Most of them were from previous Monster Madness, but in a few cases they were other random reviews James made, and I see those alone are now added to the count, which works pretty well.
For instance this was originally a review for, released in October 2008 and some time later on the site.