Of the many film adaptations of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, these are two I saw at a very young age that left an impression on me.
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1 comment
May 11, 2024 at 2:25 amI saw both Alice through the Looking Glass and Return to Oz at a very young age. Both movies combined terrified me. And then there was that Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story when he had nightmares of a demon haunting him that also terrified me the first time I saw it, and it overshadowed everything I ever watched that involved Bruce Lee. I also saw that Stephen King short film called ‘The Boogeyman’ based on his Night Shift collection, in it’s original TV run, which I thought was scarier than A Nightmare on Elm Street and set the stage for the definitive, mythic version of the boogeyman which in my mind was and is more powerful than the slenderman.