This is episode 202 of the Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN) and The Nerd is talking Contra! After years of playing nothing but crappy games, The Nerd’s dreams are fulfilled through a wish on a monkey’s paw, allowing him to finally play something good. Contra for NES is one of those games that everyone has nostalgia for and the AVGN is no different, so he’s taking us back to the past to relive a series near and dear to his heart. While focusing on the original Nintendo Entertainment System classic and it’s sequel Super C, The Nerd also checks out Contra Arcade, Operation C, Contra III: The Alien Wars, Contra: Hard Corps, Contra: Legacy of War, C The Contra Adventure, and Contra 4. — Contra is a run-and-gun shooter game originally developed and published by Konami for arcades in 1987, before coming to homes on the NES in 1988. Also known as Gryzor and Probotector in some regions.
August 28, 2024
October 29, 2020
May 6, 2022 at 4:17 pmHi James,
I’m really enjoying the emotional touches you’re starting to put into your videos. I feel like they add a lot nuance to the formula that wasn’t there before (although in this case, I’m sure some will argue against it due to the fact that you’re sort of breaking character). For those of us who are around your age, it creates the sensation of having a shared experience, and with everything we’ve all been through over the last two years, that feels somewhat apt, if not completely necessary. Good Work!
May 17, 2022 at 9:51 pmLove this video!
June 24, 2022 at 1:28 pmI’m not crying you’re crying
July 10, 2022 at 4:50 pmhow about a vertical/horizontal SHMUP episode
December 1, 2022 at 9:55 pmStop making me cry nerd. You made me dig deep there and I didnt expect it
February 3, 2023 at 11:22 amDamn…You got 5 years on me but I know exactly what you mean by selling you beloved yet completely played through game for a bag of candy or something. Something you hunker for at that moment. Kinda like what drugs do to addicts. But then a while later it appears you were actually addicted to that game more. Because you miss it incredibly. I had that with Secret of Mana, Shadowman for N64, Terranigma and a few others. Eventually it became the consoles I exchanged, sold or just…well…lost in ways i cant even remember. You did well. You got all of them back. I should try that too, but it’s sure as hell gonna cost me a lot of time and a pretty penny…
Thanks for your content James. It means a great lot to me!
February 27, 2024 at 5:45 amI was just rewatching Season 16 on youtube, and I had to come here and say:
I’ve been watching you since I was 13. I am 29 now.
Bro… *You’re* my Contra.