Part 1 of 2. The Nerd spends some time taking a look at the Atari Jaguar, including some of the games made for it such as Tempest 2000, Alien vs. Predator, and Doom, and an add-on – the Jaguar CD. He also takes a look back at the history of Atari, and the competition between […]
The Nerd finds no secrets to make a bad game look good, when he reviews Milon’s Secret Castle for the NES.
The Nerd tries to moonwalk his way around another bad game, as takes a look at Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker for the Genesis.
It’s Christmas, and for this year the Nerd finds himself reviewing another collection of badly-made, religious-themed video games for the NES, CD-i and Game Boy, including Exodus: Journey to the Promised Land, Noah’s Ark, and King James Bible.
Part 3 of 3. The Nerd finishes off his review of the CD-i by playing Link: The Faces of Evil (Which is similar to The Wand of Gamelon), and Zelda’s Adventure.
Part 2 of 3. The Nerd reviews Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon for the CD-i.
Part 1 of 3. The Nerd begins his three-part review of the Philips CD-i by giving a brief overview of the console itself, and playing Hotel Mario.
Halloween has arrived, and the Nerd is green with anger at finding out that there are bad video games on the NES and SNES that have been based on another horror legend – Frankenstein.
Halloween is approaching, but the Nerd finds it hard to see Count Dracula being scary to him, as he looks at a selection of bad games based on the vampire legend himself, including Bram Stoker’s Dracula for the NES, SNES, Genesis, and the Sega CD. This episode is the first mention of Fred Fucks, the […]
The Nerd turns into a detective to find out why no one would want to play Dick Tracy for the NES, and soon uncovers the many flaws and problems with it.
As the Nerd prepares to review Battletoads for the NES, he finds himself joined by the “guitar guy” who’s been living behind his couch, and who helps to show him why it’s impossible to complete the game with two players.
The Nerd finds out how deadly difficult it is to complete another bad video game, when he attempts to review Deadly Towers for the NES.
Part 2 of 2. Under the Joker’s capture, the Nerd is forced to review Batman: Return of the Joker (NES and Game Boy) and Batman: Revenge of the Joker (Sega Genesis). The Nerd eventually has enough of the Joker’s shenanigans, and fights him in a homage to the 1960s Batman series.
Part 1 of 2. The Nerd dons his cowl and cape and prepares to beat back the darkness of bad Batman video games, including Batman: The Caped Crusader (Commodore 64), Batman (NES), Batman Returns (Sega CD and Atari Lynx), The Adventures of Batman & Robin (SNES), and Batman Forever (SNES). After the Nerd calls it […]
Super Nerd returns, this time to save Superman from two more bad video games. Superman: The Game for the Commodore 64, and the infamous Superman 64 for the Nintendo 64.
Bad games will never be faster than a speeding Super Nerd, as he reviews two bad video games based upon Superman, made for the Atari 2600 and NES.
The Nerd boldly goes where no bad game should ever go, by beaming down a collection of games based upon the sci-fi series Star Trek, made for the Vectrex, Atari 2600, ColecoVision and NES.
The Nerd dons his leather hat and whip, and delves into the holy grail of bad video games, as he looks at a collection of games based on the Indiana Jones film series, made for the Atari 2600, NES and SNES.
The Nerd reviews several accessories for the NES to find out how good or bad they are, including the NES Zapper and Power Pad, the Konami LaserScope, the U-Force, and the LJN Roll & Rocker. He also spends some time using the Super Scope peripheral for the SNES.
The Nerd takes a look at a good game for once, as he recalls how great it was to play Super Mario Bros. 3 on the NES, while also taking a look back to a film in which it was featured in – The Wizard.
Part 2 of 2. The Nerd reviews the ColecoVision and plays the games that were made for this console, including Montezuma’s Revenge, Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventures in the Park, Chuck Norris Superkicks, and War Room.
Part 1 of 2. The Nerd tackles reviewing two-second generation consoles from the late 1970s – early 1980s. In part one, he looks at the Intellivision and the games made for it, including Utopia, Masters of the Universe: The Power of He-Man and Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. He also takes a look at B-17 Bomber […]
The Nerd is wishing he was not playing another bad game, as he reviews The Wizard of Oz for the SNES.
The Nerd reviews Nintendo’s ill-fated Virtual Boy console along with the limited amount of games that were made for the console.
The Nerd finds himself in action hell, as he looks at three bad games for the NES and SMS, based on the Rambo film series.
The Nerd tries to make sense of the chronology behind the timeline for one of Nintendo’s well-known video game series – The Legend of Zelda.
In a two-part special, the Nerd spends his Christmas taking a look at some very badly-made games. In part 1, he focuses his attention on Home Alone 2: Lost in New York for the NES, while in part 2, he takes a look at Shaq Fu for the SNES, and three bad games for the […]
The Nerd struggles to be a true hero, as he looks to tackling a console version of a classic game – Dragon’s Lair for the NES.
Halloween is upon him, so for his nightmarish night the Nerd must review three very bad Halloween-themed video games for the Atari 2600.
The Nerd faces the horror of a bad video game for his Halloween that he wishes he could cut apart with a chainsaw, as he reviews the Atari 2600 game based on The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Creepy and spooky don’t seem to cut it, as the Nerd reviews two bad games based on The Addams Family, made for the NES and Genesis.
Taking a break from bad video games, the Nerd spends his time recalling his fondest memories of reading the Nintendo Power magazine.
The Nerd finds himself reviewing a collection of rather badly-made, controversial, adult-rated games that were created for Atari systems, including Custer’s Revenge, Beat ‘Em & Eat ‘Em, and Bachelor Party.
There’s nothing looney about the Nerd’s next review of a bad video game, as he attempts to find fun within Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout for the NES.
The Nerd will be saying more than “D’oh!” as he takes a look at two terrible NES games based on the hit cartoon series The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants and Bart vs. the World .
To protect the independence of good games from bad ones, the Nerd takes on the PlayStation game based upon Independence Day, and is soon wishing aliens could destroy this one.
Action is certainly lacking, as the Nerd reviews another bad game that won’t easily die – Die Hard for the NES. This is Angry Video Game Nerd Episode 28.
Another superhero has had a bad game made about them, so the Nerd delves in to find out just what it’s like to play Silver Surfer for the NES.
The Nerd finds out what another add-on for the Sega Genesis is like – the 32X – and tries out some of the games that were made for it, including Primal Rage and Doom.
The Nerd reveals how some console add-ons were never worth owning, as he takes a look at the Sega CD – an add-on for the Sega Genesis – and finds out what the games made for it are like.