Search Results for: "ov"


Glover (N64) – Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN) Episode 217

July 28, 2024

In Angry Video Game Nerd episode 217, The Nerd performs a magic trick by sticking his hand in the N64 shelf and pulling out the only 3D platformer starring a glove and a ball: Glover!


Overwatch 2 – Neighbor Nerds

April 10, 2024

James and John head online for some Overwatch 2 multiplayer and then try their hands at beating The Password Game!


5 Awesome Overshadowed NES Games

May 26, 2023

When you think of the NES, you think of a lot of bad games thanks to The Nerd, but I wanted to take a little time to look at some of the really good ones today that people don’t talk about and are worth playing!


Super Mario Bros. (2023) VS the Sonic Movies

April 21, 2023

Two video game adaptations! Nintendo and Sega! The ultimate battle: The Super Mario Bros. movie versus the Sonic movies!! Here we go!


AVGN: The Movie – Practical Effects on a Low Budget (Monster Scenes)

March 22, 2023

Behind-the-scenes footage from Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie, originally a blu-ray extra “On Set With Death Mwuathzyx” from a pickup shoot in late March / early April 2013. This was one of the final legs of production, focused on completing the monster scenes.


Top 10 Best Movie Pre-Title Sequences

January 27, 2023

I’ve been thinking about some of my favorite opening scenes in films. I’ve seen plenty of lists of the all-time best title sequences, but surprisingly I haven’t found any that talk about the best scenes that come BEFORE the credits, so here are my Top 10!


Is The Shining a Christmas Movie?

December 13, 2022

Every holiday season, I feel the need to add another movie to the list of Christmas classics. If Batman Returns and Die Hard can be Christmas movies, why can’t The Shining be?


Movies Censored for TV

November 22, 2022

Have you ever seen a movie on TV that got censored? You hear a line that got re-dubbed or changed to something else. You feel ripped off. Now movies censored for television are far and few between, so hearing a dubbed over movie now is kind of a pleasant surprise! TV edits were a goldmine […]


Spirit Halloween The Movie (2022) Review – Episode 7

October 27, 2022

I just love those Spirit Halloween stores, there was nothing like this when I was a kid. Now, every season, they pop up, just kind of appear out of nowhere… like a spirit. Well what if all of the costumes and animatronics inside it came to life? What if you were locked in a Spirit […]


My Tribute to Roger Corman: The King of B Movies – Episode 4

October 15, 2022

Today I want to celebrate Roger Corman, one of those most prolific filmmakers of all time. Few people have made as many films as Roger Corman and when you think low budget exploitation film, he’s the king. So today we honor the king! Director of over 50 movies and producer of more than another 500, […]