Cinemassacre’s Monster Madness is a yearly series of horror movie reviews produced by Cinemassacre Productions and airing around the month of October. This series is hosted by James Rolfe. This is the episode for October 5th of Monster Madness 2019.
Cinemassacre’s Monster Madness is a yearly series of horror movie reviews produced by Cinemassacre Productions and airing around the month of October. This series is hosted by James Rolfe. This is the episode for October 3rd of Monster Madness 2019.
Cinemassacre’s Monster Madness is a yearly series of horror movie reviews produced by Cinemassacre Productions and airing around the month of October. This series is hosted by James Rolfe. This is the episode for October 2nd of Monster Madness 2019.
Cinemassacre’s Monster Madness is a yearly series of horror movie reviews produced by Cinemassacre Productions and airing around the month of October. This series is hosted by James Rolfe. This is the episode for October 1st of Monster Madness 2019.
What’s better? Jurassic Park 2 or 3? Today on Rental Reviews the guys argue over what the best Jurassic Park sequel is. Tony is going with JP3. Let’s see how wrong he truly is!! The Lost World: Jurassic Park is a 1997 American science fiction adventure film and the second installment in the Jurassic Park […]
The Nerd tries to get away for a vacation and ends up crashing onto an island full of people in inflatable dinosaur costumes and the game Trespasser for PC. Due to the game’s notorious design, he gets help from Shesez of Boundary Break. Guest Stars: Seamus Blackley as himself
The Nerd takes a look at the Chex Quest video game from 1996 as well as its sequels and discovers that despite its bizarre and commercial premise, it is actually a well-made Doom copy.
R.O.T.O.R. (AKA Blue Steel) is what happens when you try to mix Robocop with The Terminator but cut the budget by A LOT! James and the gang talk about probably the least effective worst killer cyborg they have ever seen. Enjoy the awful dubbing, Ed Wood style editing, and the slowest martial art ever seen. […]